Sabbfer Stole 12

Delivery and payment / Where else can I buy?


We are the official business Internet, the Hural Auto-Audio Technician. We provide a guarantee of one year for all products.


If you are located in Moscow or Moscow province:

  • You can order the delivery of a courier in Moscow (the cost of delivery of 300 roubles, the exact amount of delivery to you is called the manager). Delivery takes place on working days from 12 to 20 hours.
  • Free! You can take your own shipment from the warehouse to M.O., Balahia, West Communal Zone, S. Entusiastes, possession of 1A, B3 (M7. From 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Big request before you leave! Travel arrangements

If you are in the region:

Delivery is carried out by federal transport companies (TV) (from Moscow) to the TC warehouse in your town. For example, PEK company. Delivery by a transport company is the fastest way to deliver from all existing, average delivery time of 3-5 days. Delivery to the warehouse, not to the door, greatly saves your delivery costs. We deliver the cargo to the TC warehouse in Moscow free of charge. Payment of the delivery itself upon receipt of the goods. Information on the cost and time of delivery, as well as the addresses of the subsidiaries in your town, you may specify on the TC websites. But usually, the cost of delivery, for example, of one Ural AS-D12.3, does not exceed 400 roubles.

We can also send your order through SDEC. The goods are collected from our warehouse in Balashhah on your application to this service. Please send an application to the SDEC company only after confirming your order for shipment in our warehouse (after receiving your payment for the order and collection of the cargo in our warehouse).

If you don't have a transport company warehouse in your town, order the nearest city you have.

Russia ' s postal cargo is shipped only in exceptional, isolated cases (for example, where the nearest TC is located more than 100 km from your city) and when your order is at least 1,000 roubles!

In order to send your order through a transport company in response to an e-mail, the e-mail letter from the Internet manager, the Hural shop (You will receive this letter after ordering through the site) it is necessary to indicate:

  • Delivery town and transport company
  • FIO (total) recipient
  • Contact (mobile) recipient ' s telephone

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