Fasoinverifier Sabouf

dinamic45-1.jpgAs we have already said, steeping the signal's characteristics is the most important parameter when selecting the cross-shower. Insufficient filtration (low 3rd, i.e. below 18 dB per octave) will result in the reproducing of undesirable mud-bass or even medium frequencies with the bass we need. As a result, there is a bass orientation effect that is not required.

How many sabus need power

This is usually based on the total power of the system and the frequency of the sabovere cut. The percentage distribution of power in the typical automobile audio system, depending on the frequency range, is as shown in Table N3 as follows.

Table N3


Maximum power above specified frequency

300 Hz


600 Hz


1200 Hz


2400 Hz

dinamic45-4.jpgIt is notable that less than half of the power is in frequency over 300 Hz. Consequently, at least 50 per cent falls below this boundary. There is therefore a rule that applies to many configurations: the power of the bass force shall be 1.5 times the power of the front dynamics. For example, if a 4-channel 4 x 25 W is used on the front, the input to the sabove is calculated by the formula: 1, 5 x (25 W + 25 W). We'll get some 75 watts to be taken to the bass.

dinamic45-12.jpgMaybe more. For example, where the frequency of the NF-filtre cut is greater than 150 Hz, in the case of low symmetricality, or if the saboveer is in the bag compartment and the access to the salon is difficult. And when the client just wants a big bass. It is clear that the number of NF dynamics in the system, the meaning of their impedance (NF-heads usually do 4-some with conventional or double-drying sound carts) and the diameter of the diffuser.

The most effective and often used method by installers to increase the power of the bass militant by connecting its canals with the beast (naturally, if any). The inclusion of a 2-channel on a bridge system usually gives more wattt than the total power of its canals when working in a stereo-relayer. For example, the 2x50 Wt is supposed to give 150 Wt to the Bridge, and the 4-canal (4 x 50 W) to the stereoconfiguration will develop up to 150 Wt to the canal.

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